It’s a matter of results

Many people think that resources, luck, background, and connections create successful people. Surely, these factors influence the course of each individual, but the main factor that probably contributes the most to achieving something significant is to believe in oneself. Without this key ingredient, all the other factors can’t do much to help you.

Believing in oneself – also called self-esteem – can be defined as trust in one’s own abilities and judgment. Self-esteem is a really important feature because if you do not believe in your own abilities, you will never be able to reach the standards you are capable of. If you do not believe in your own judgment, you will become undecided and less willing to take risks. If you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, this can affect your happiness. Self-esteem is therefore very important as research has shown that it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Without believing in ourselves we could never take the road to reach our aspirations, because we need to be convinced that we have the capacity to get there.

If you don’t believe in yourself, who else will?

Self-confidence really encourages motivation, which will more easily convince others to want to give you opportunities in life.

If you don’t believe in yourself, how can others will?

What happens when you believe in yourself?

Belief is not created or destroyed, it is simply exploited or ignored. It is always there, in some cases latent, like a flame waiting to be lit. Your ability to believe in yourself simply resides in your ability to tap into the spiritual energy that makes you what you are. That energy can be focused in one direction or another to produce any result we are looking for.

This all boils down to a question of concentration. If you focus on the negative aspects of whatever you are going through, thinking constantly that you are going to fail or give up, this will be what inevitably will happen. Here’s how positive thinking and believing in yourself will lead to good things. Sure it will take time but it will worth.

However, for most people, time is the biggest obstacle. We want things to happen right away or in a certain defined period of time, not beyond. When things start taking longer than expected, we get frustrated and get bored, losing confidence in ourselves and others. But good things really come to those who know how to wait and who know how to believe in themselves and work in this sense, even with the help of a coach or mentor.

How important is to believe in oneself as an entrepreneur

Above all as an entrepreneur, it is really important to believe in yourself. Self-confidence is the first step to success. However, sometimes it does not come naturally. So is there a way to train yourself to believe in your success? The answer is a clear yes. It is really possible to train one’s self-esteem and most people who truly believe in themselves, live a life of great success.

Failure is one of the main reasons why most entrepreneurs do not believe in their own abilities. They get stuck in the situation in which they failed, they overthink about all, leading themselves, at the end, to an immobility status.

Successful entrepreneurs, on the other hand, who believe in their own abilities, accept failure, overcome it, and find the path to success. They simply do not pay attention to how many times they have failed and continue to act to achieve what they want to achieve. Any person, even an entrepreneur, will most likely fail and suffer losses at some point in life, but there is nothing wrong with that.

If you analyze the story of any successful entrepreneur or successful companies you will notice that they had gone through a phase in which they failed before the evident achievements. But when self-confidence is strong, no failure or obstacle can prevent you from moving towards your goals. All you have to do is believe in yourself.

About The Author

Danilo Asturaro

Danilo Asturaro is the founder of The Wealthy Road Inside You, All his teaching come from his own experience. A struggling childhood due to his heart issues caused to him a deeply sense of feeling different from his environment. Because of that his life was based on a lowest level of self esteem. At some moment got an inevitable turning point, he went broke, lost business, money and got divorce.
An “insight” helped him to literally becoming addicted to a personal development material.

A Confident Life is the exact journey he went through
