Feeling inadequate, feeling not enough self-worth has been my leitmotiv for more than 40 years!

This sensation created a sort of chain reaction.

I have always given little value to my life and to my achievements; I’ve always considered a sentiment of self-love almost nil. Actually I considered the needs of other to be more important than mine, I often underestimate my achievements.

I had definitely a very low level of self-esteem with consequent conditioning of my whole existence. I decided to understand more in depth my life and why of those such conditioning emotions.

Feeling inadequate made me raise natural questions:

Where do all these feelings come from?

Why do I feel so different from others?

Why comparing me to the others I don’t feel up to, to do the same things and getting the same their results?

In short, I have always seen myself as a person with strong limits.

An image, that can visually give you an idea of my feelings, has always been the following: “I am on a tennis court, I am on one side of the field while my loved ones and all the people I know play all together on the other side, against me.

As if it were a game all against one while they don’t understand that I can’t face them all together! “

Result? I always felt misunderstood. I guarantee you this is an unpleasant feeling.

My life peaked when I lost everything, business, money and family

it all happened in 2006,I had to be back to my parents’ house (an environment from which I had fled seeking shelter in marriage, can you believe that?), without money and without the possibility of being able to see my daughter.

Enough is enough, everything has a limit, so I decided to further upset my life by moving away from the country in which I have always lived, Italy, to discover another one, Spain.

The strength to make this huge change came from the courage of unconsciousness (this is how I define it).

At a certain point I tried to schematize life by ordering it by cycles of 7/8 years, that is, I analysed the so-called milestones of events for each cycle.

In essence, the most important events that have marked, conditioned and directed my life towards a well-defined path (nowhere).

The analytical result literally shocked me, the emotional impact was very strong, but certainly not stronger than the feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem that I experienced.

The survival instinct and the desire to get to know me deeply led me to personal growth journey.

That world of personal growth of which I have ignored the existence! A world that has allowed me to give concrete answers to my life, has allowed me today to know myself up to the smallest sensations. A world that I have never left.

A world that has given me the opportunity to become acculturated, to grow, to know, to give a profound meaning to my life and that has allowed me to embark on my new professional career with great joy and satisfaction.

Now if you only relate to any of the sensations and emotions described in this article, know that your dead-end street has a way out.

Everything relates to our mind and the beliefs pattern programmed in the subconscious part of the mind itself. You don’t have to identify yourself with the limiting beliefs you have, they are beliefs that you did not decide to have but are yours anyway!

This belief process is entirely reversible (can be undone). Limiting belief processes can be changed with daily work, with constant practices that allow you to create new neuronal connections in your brain (science has demonstrated it).

Professor Elmer R. Gates, American scientist (1859-1923) has demonstrated physiologically, in his studies of brain formation, that every thought produces a slight molecular change in the substance of the brain. The repetition of the same sort of thought causes a repetition of the same molecular action until at last a veritable channel is formed in the brain substance. This is the way which are formed what we call “habits”.

I suggest you to study how the brain works.

Some of the authors and doctors from whom you can deepen your studies are for example: Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Joe Dispenza.

So you understand that everything is real and that everything can really change in your life. I want to motivate you!

I have given you some practical indications to deepen everything on your behalf.

I want you to understand that the change you have always dreamed about is possible, concrete and feasible by giving you knowledge tools that allow you to make everything more real and achievable.

Know that the feelings of low self-esteem, feeling like being an inadequate person, unable to achieve desired results can be absolutely solved and modified.

Know that you can really feel like a valuable and suitable person who is confident enough and who is up to it when dealing, for example, with friends or colleagues.

May this short article be the seed of hope that, combined with your curiosity, will allow you to believe that anything is possible.

About The Author

Danilo Asturaro

Danilo Asturaro is the founder of The Wealthy Road Inside You, All his teaching come from his own experience. A struggling childhood due to his heart issues caused to him a deeply sense of feeling different from his environment. Because of that his life was based on a lowest level of self esteem. At some moment got an inevitable turning point, he went broke, lost business, money and got divorce.
An “insight” helped him to literally becoming addicted to a personal development material.

A Confident Life is the exact journey he went through
