Don’t fear to grow

How many times we heard the term “personal growth” and we asked ourselves what exactly is the meaning. In this article, I’ll try to clarify this concept and understand why each of us needs – who more, who less – to begin a personal growth path, even better if accompanied by a mentor, a person more experienced than us, that is getting results we want, that inspire us.

What is personal growth?

Personal growth is also called self-improvement and self-growth and this term refers to various techniques for improving one’s habits, behavior, actions, and reactions. Here are some examples that can give more clarity to the general concept of personal growth:

  • Learn to control anger
  • Learn to overcome procrastination
  • Learn to overcome laziness
  • Learn to be more responsible
  • Learn new things and develop new skills
  • Change the way of thinking becoming more positive and proactive
  • Create productive habits
  • Discover new personal talents
  • Achieve goals
  • Starting a new business

Clearly, as in all things, personal growth for success requires motivation, a desire to improve and a willingness to fight to make changes. You also have to be willing to get out of your comfort zone doing uncomfortable things. Personal growth is a continuous process that starts from an early age and is mainly shaped by parents, teachers, and the environment in which we grow. Sometimes even creating limiting thought patterns. However, to take full advantage of it, you need to become aware of the process, know what it is about and take the right steps to grow and improve yourself.
Sometimes the triggers that awaken the desire to grow and lead to changes in one’s life are determined by problems and difficulties. Other times, people are inspired to take a personal growth path after reading a book, watching a movie or meeting particular people who may have already taken this path.

The importance of personal growth in work

But personal growth is not a discourse linked only to private life as it might seem at first sight. If you are interested in professional success, constant development should not be a novelty. When the proper attention to work is used, the results that can be achieved are truly exceptional. When a person (whatever his role, for example employee, manager or owner of the company) cares about his personal growth and closely links his inner needs, the tasks, he has to perform and the goals of the organization in which he works, fit all together perfectly. Personal development is therefore closely linked to the creation of a career plan. This helps in fact:

  • Get a realistic picture of your skills and knowledge
  • Increase motivation
  • Manage stress
  • Expand your skills
  • Master the achievement of goals
  • Develop a positive attitude towards work
  • Discover a life purpose

Therefore, by aligning one’s personal development goals with the organization’s objectives, one has the opportunity to develop one’s skills, professionally and personally as well. Even the responsibilities are taken in a more meaningful way. Moreover, as you grow personally, relationships with colleagues, subordinates, managers and customers will improve.

How do you learn personal growth?

There are many books, articles, workshops, coaches and mentors who teach and accompany you on a personal growth journey. Personal growth can help you in all areas of life, from work to daily life, as mentioned above. Personal growth can help you grow emotionally and mentally, become a more caring, loving, and positive person. Moreover, it can also help you to see your good and bad habits in order to correct them.

There are many techniques for personal growth, such as creative visualization, repetition of affirmations, the development of a positive mentality, meditation and much more stuff. Personal growth also includes consulting, coaching, and reading. A very simple and useful method for personal growth is to look at your behavior with an open and impartial mind, the trick is to do not attach emotions while you’re looking at yourself. This will show you what changes you should make in order to get better. The way people behave and act towards you can also help you recognize your positive and negative traits and become more aware of yourself.

Clearly, people are different from each other and what works for one might not works for another. A good personal growth coach or mentor has clear in his mind that each person’s journey is unique; there is no equal final destination for everyone in order to achieve happiness and self-fulfillment. This vision therefore maintains the awareness that the only constant in life is change itself. This means that a coach or mentor will help you explore various techniques for your personal growth to find what fits for you and your style.

About The Author

Danilo Asturaro

Danilo Asturaro is the founder of The Wealthy Road Inside You, All his teaching come from his own experience. A struggling childhood due to his heart issues caused to him a deeply sense of feeling different from his environment. Because of that his life was based on a lowest level of self esteem. At some moment got an inevitable turning point, he went broke, lost business, money and got divorce.
An “insight” helped him to literally becoming addicted to a personal development material.

A Confident Life is the exact journey he went through
