
Tendency criticize severely others, expose yourself instead


There is a tendency that is criticize severely others while we are sit on the couch. From the comfort of our home, remote in the hand, the best sport we can practice is to criticize severely others, it doesn’t matter who the subject is, could be a politician, could

Tendency criticize severely others, expose yourself instead2020-05-04T05:33:19+00:00

Forming habits of success, one of the best forming habits of success is to wake up early


To level up your life and business you have to understand that forming habits of success is the gateway to access the area where your desired results are living. To do that you have to research what habits can help you out to achieve results you want and why

Forming habits of success, one of the best forming habits of success is to wake up early2020-05-03T06:40:27+00:00

Scarcity Vs Prosperity


Interesting cases to share with you. Example of prosperity, in Covid-19 time, in three different countries, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom. The common things?: They are available to improve themselves ... It’ll be a coincidence? This is a quantic principle!

Scarcity Vs Prosperity2020-04-27T08:43:35+00:00

Living in a box


The importance to understand that we are living in a kind of life box ! This box has boundaries that are reflected to life itself. Have you thought to get out from it experiencing the real life ?

Living in a box2020-04-24T09:01:53+00:00