It’s all About Self Image

Could you believe that the image you have of yourself is an illusion? Could you believe that you’ve been brainwashed on your current deeper beliefs?
Please do not think about some alien race that take control over us like a kind of big universal brother. It’s something more ‘SIMPLE’ but in the same time ‘COMPLEX’.

In this article I’ll try to make things understandable as possible as I can; I remember very well when my personal growth journey has began, sometimes I’ve been feeling lost. Some of the terms used by the various authors I was following were difficult to understand because I was just approaching existential questions, like who we are or  the meaning of life.

All my studies was supported by a massive dose of personal experience.

The path of personal growth must be read in the light of a universal and metaphysical vision that the epigenetic science, nowadays, is trying to explain, all this has to be supplemented by spiritual growth.

Let’s start saying that human mind is divided into two areas, subconscious and conscious mind

  1. The first, connected to the heart, manages the emotional side;
  2. The second interacting with the external world through the five sensory factors: smell, sight, touch, hear and taste, manages the rational aspects of life; The emotional side drives your life, who you think you are, your achievements, your friendships, the partner etc.

Consider it like a large container of beliefs that manages and drives your life, but these beliefs are placed in you without your knowledge … but by whom?

The rational aspects, managed by the five sensory factors, regulate logic and apparently your decisions.

Believing that rational aspects regulate the decisions you make in life is a big mistake because it is the subconscious mind that guides your decisions through the conscious one.

Actually you are the result of processes, habits and beliefs that dictate the rules of your life, poured into your subconscious mind without your “authorization”.

Questions come out spontaneously at this stage, WHO installed them?
Can I change them?
Can I change my life?

You can certainly change them and definitely can change your life too.

Your beliefs are placed on you by your environment from the moment of birth (or perhaps earlier). Those who have raised you and loved ones who have surrounded your life are those responsible for this beliefs programming.

Up to the age of about 7 years old you receive information from those who surround you and those information flow directly into the subconscious side of the mind, for example when you are forbidden to do something, this one is the result of the person’s fear that is expressing it, doing that his fear is going to be placed into your subconscious mind as a belief.

Behavioural ethics is one of those promulgating beliefs of well-being and community protection.

This one isn’t a toxic expression of another’s fear, so it will positively influence the course of your life.

Around 7 years of age you begin to develop, through your awareness of the 5 sensory factors, your consciousness and independence of judgment which is the result of the maturation of the conscious mind.

From this moment everything you listen to begins to be digested by your own independence of judgment, you began to be independent.

At this stage the games are done, because all the info so far processed are ended up in the subconscious side, that is, a driving part of your life.

My conclusion is with a thought of love towards the parental figure and the broad sense that represents, in this process there are no faults, the parents in turn are “victims” of the same process, dictated by a universal divine mind.

To reverse the route there are many techniques, the necessary ingredients are work, dedication, commitment, perseverance, patience, willingness.

To all this a sublime seasoning: FAITH.

About The Author

Danilo Asturaro

Danilo Asturaro is the founder of The Wealthy Road Inside You, All his teaching come from his own experience. A struggling childhood due to his heart issues caused to him a deeply sense of feeling different from his environment. Because of that his life was based on a lowest level of self esteem. At some moment got an inevitable turning point, he went broke, lost business, money and got divorce.
An “insight” helped him to literally becoming addicted to a personal development material.

A Confident Life is the exact journey he went through
